Wednesday, July 7, 2010


There is a question that has plagued my thoughts over the years, and that is. What do we as African Americans have in this country, is it Power or Influence? Are they both the same or can you have one without the other?

What is it that gives more power and influence to those who come from other countries ( this is not a statement to cast aspersions on other races, for we all want to do well) yet we are left behind to flounder and wonder why…. .

Within this context, why is it that our educational systems, medical care facilities, public safety, those things that are vital to the servile of a community are of the poorest quality? Why is it that those things that we have struggled for over the hundreds years have benefited others more than ourselves and left us by the wayside to twist in the wind to deal with the same old community issue's year after year?

Today we have Women’s rights, Gay rights, Animal rights, Nepotism as been replaced by Reverse discrimination and Affirmative action has been cast aside and now everybody is a Minority, with the major benefit going outside the African American community.

In my opinion, these are all good causes, causes that in some cases have shattered the careers of some while boosting the careers of others, (while the true cause and effect are never truly investigated), the POWER of INFLUENCE takes over, (the squeaky wheel gets the grease).

Although out-sourcing, has become the norm, and the quality of the work has become suspect it continues to leave our shores. There is also what I call the in-sourcing of out-sourcing that is those jobs that were once in the hands of the elderly, high school and young college students are (i.e. McDonalds) now in the hands of and controlled by those who only hire their own. This is not to say that it is wrong or right, what is wrong is that jobs such as these that could supplement various incomes are gone; along with a great deal of the income.
What is really sad is that those of us who have been blessed with the opportunity to elevate our communities spend a great deal of our money on the frivolous things. We leave our communities; give control of our income to others. We buy into basketball teams, expensive cars, outlandish homes; produce clothing lines sell our companies. Of course we set up charities, what we need to is a plan to buy some of the homes in some of the depressed areas, set up Medical centers, Law Offices, Accounting Offices, Schools that teach our children about themselves giving them pride, teaching our children about themselves, the value of a dollar and what the world of economics is all about. G it’s hard to put a steak in front of a hungry man or woman and then tell them not to eat it. Nevertheless, we all know that a little fasting cleanses the body, gets rid of some of those toxins that cause us not to think clearly.


1 comment:

  1. I think African American have the potential to have both power and influence. It’s just that power and influence is being I’m not sure if I’m using the correct words “misused” and taken “advantage” of. I mean we have these famous rich basketball players, and these rappers and even politicians that use their power for their own advantages instead of reforming their community. They forgot where they came from. There are actually African Americans that do contribute to improving communities and giving back to help their communities to grow but they don’t get the as much recognition as theses rappers or basketball players and even politicians that has no morality. Why are they so blinded by the “media” making them look like unmoral characters with no value?
