Saturday, July 17, 2010


The pettiness of our politicians has led the American people to become blind to injustice, corruption, and the decency of a truly democratic society. At a time when we can see that there is a need for change, we are blinded by the propaganda of fear. During the course of history, an unexpected messengers have brought  messages; sometimes it could be in the form of a Childs questions, “why are there wars, or why can’t I have another helping of rice, or why can’t I go to the doctor when my tummy hurts”. WHY? Sometimes the answers to some of these questions can come from that unexpected source. Regardless of the messenger, the message is there. The need for change is here. We have only to close our eyes and open our ears and listen. Your heart will allow you to hear the message without interference. Listening is also to hear and to be able to disseminate information in a progressive and honest way.

The politics of fear and the propaganda of who should… only creates an atmosphere of distrust, anger and in some cases hatred. These feelings only disguise the truth of a country as great as ours. The quest to be the best that we can be and the opportunity to achieve without climbing on the backs of others is one of the qualities that is often forgotten. The thrill of competing in a true and open market, being a true winner without sacrificing integrity, is one of the gifts America offers its people. Within competition, creativity is borne and one of the rewards is in the joy of the accomplishment (of course the financial gain is another).

The willingness to share, the pride of accomplishment, seems to have been replaced with greed and the self-centeredness that creates an atmosphere of bitterness between both the haves and have not’s.

In the book, “The Way of the World” by Ron Suskind, The first Paragraph of the prologue states,

"FROM THE DAWN OF TIME, human beings have been attentive to signs of distinction-the approach of a tribe with a different manner or dress, posture or skin color. The swift sizing-up of friend or foe, and acting upon it-upon suspicion-was often a matter of survival. Those faculties became finely turned over thousands of years."
Although, there are many ideas regarding the status of the country and where we are going, it should be noted that a great deal of our opinions are based more on propaganda more than they are on fact.

Leadership, what is it that we as a people really know about those who we put in charge of our lives? What are their ultimate objectives? Whose opinion is it that we allow into our homes? Who will give us comfort and allow us to feel safe? Who are these manufacturers of the truth, or is it truth? Propaganda the food for the uninformed and the feast prepared for the gullible.


  1. How's it's going brother? So you have a J.A.Rogers collection too. Thanks for the visit.

  2. Mr. I. Am. Black , so where do we find these truths? Isn’t propaganda everywhere even in the books we read. So which one is truth and how do we find truth? I believe politics gives people that are uninformed about what is going on the world a direction to want to learn more and maybe get involved. The politicians are the ones that distort politics for their own advantage.
