Thursday, September 30, 2010


Some time ago I posted this response to a bloggers posting regarding the shape of our African American Women. I have decided to include it in my blog to see if I was being too harsh in my assessment of his posting.

In short, what the gentleman was doing was comparing an exaggerated view of two African-American women's rears to that of a white women.

Mr. Red, my point (although somewhat overbearing) was, that if you are going to discuss the seriousness of how we perceive each other then in my opinion you should not come back with “Baby got Back”.

The appreciation of the Black Women is a joy to behold, and hold, Her defined figure is a wonderful gift to the Blackman; but, we must be careful not to exploit that beauty and realize that it is not an advertisement for public scrutiny or to prove whose bottom is bigger or better than the other.

Our Women, are our Queens, past, present, and future; they are our Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Wives, and Friends.

I know I am probably too old to conform to today’s way of thinking, but then again I have been with my wife for the past 50 years, and when I look at her today I still see that wonderful Lady that has walked beside me every step of the way, thru my life energizing me with Her Love. I look into Her eyes, and I still that pool of strength that has helped me grow as a man, my thirst for her is still quenched by Her smile and a tender kiss. I am mesmerized by the way She walks towards me Her dress flowing beneath the hollow of Her thighs like running water and I am grateful that I am the fountain, that receives that gift, and when She walks away it’s like music a tune that is played just for me.

You see I have taken time to see all of Her and I am thankful that her Gift was given to me and that She chose me to be Hers.

By the very nature of the responses to your post, I feel that I owe you Mr. Red an apology for I am beginning to realize that my thoughts might be an outdated way of seeing, and where I might have seen danger and disrespect might have been just a mirage, for youth has time, and age has its experience.

To some I might seem a bit tight and rigid in my responses to various posts, but it is only because of what I have seen in my time, in addition to those unrecorded pieces of history that have not reflected the abuses that our women have suffered. Within the history of this country, our women have been viewed as sexual objects, their strength of character, and dedication to family, has never been fully recognized or appreciated.


  1. First, I would like to say congrats to your 50 yrs of marriage because it ceases to exist in this modern time. Now on to the topic…. “Perception” I like the title because there is different perceptions of women. I felt comments such as Mr. Red should not be put upon judgment so quickly. I think that some women especially the young generation has lost their sense of value. They have lost their respect for themselves and self-confidences. Instead of using their brains and self-respect, they undermined them by using their sexuality to get ahead or for a man’s attention. Further, society encourages men and women to use sexuality as a tool. The acceptance of sexuality is publicized through music, pictures, fashion, and magazines, which distorts younger generation of women moral values in society. The young generation has been poisoned with the publication of sexuality. Young women see women on TV using their bodies as a tool to lure men, and younger men listen to music about how to get a girl into bed and how women should look. So maybe it’s in Mr. Red nature to have such a perception on women. Centuries ago men had to court women with a chaperon just to talk to them and if they wanted more then that they had to marry them. Men had to put time in a woman and see her inner values or “gifts”. I can’t put all the blame to society; human beings are not animals going with their desires only. We as human being have a conscience that gives us constraint to know right from wrong. We as women need to realize that we are queens and our bodies are temples that raise and make kings or men. So I think women should first recognize and appreciate their own value first.

  2. This, In Praise of the Black Woman, is rarely seen, heard, or written.

    Black women have always taken the lead in black institutions--as the wind beneath their wings--but it's time they steps out of the shadows and take a much-deserved bow, for we all know that, without them, many a movement would have, like a raisin in the sun, dried up and run.
